AllNodes LUNC Burns

Latest LUNA Classic burns sent to the burn wallet by AllNodes

Total LUNC Burned
344.35 M
0.1% of Total
Total Transactions
Since May 13, 2022
Last updated: 2025-01-17 08:09 UTC

AllNodes LUNC Burn Chart

344,354,637 LUNC Burned
LUNC Metrics calculates AllNodes burn stats using wallet addresses that we've identifed as being owned by AllNodes. While we strive for accurancy, we offer no guarantees.

If you see something wrong, DM us on and follow us while you're at it!

Last 8 Burns from AllNodes on Terra Classic

Timestamp Coin Amount Block Height Link Wallet Address
2023-01-01 08:36:50 LUNC 123,755,692 10905807 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-11-28 21:22:05 LUNC 25,827,386 10437403 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-11-21 16:53:22 LUNC 25,170,414 10338960 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-11-14 19:10:11 LUNC 27,435,884 10244361 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-11-07 08:30:03 LUNC 26,150,563 10142177 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-10-31 10:27:50 LUNC 28,827,482 10046093 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-10-24 04:53:30 LUNC 30,481,098 9944456 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679
2022-10-17 03:24:58 LUNC 56,706,119 9844033 TX Hash terra120ppepaj2lh5vreadx42wnjjznh55vvktwj679

If you work for AllNodes and want to update or correct the LUNC burn information on this page, hit us up on X!