Luna Station 88 LUNC Burns

Latest LUNA Classic burns sent to the burn wallet by Luna Station 88

Total LUNC Burned
46.87 M
0.0% of Total
Total USTC Burned
0.0026% of Total
Total Transactions
Since May 13, 2022
Last updated: 2025-01-17 09:30 UTC

Luna Station 88 LUNC Burn Chart

46,865,894 LUNC Burned

Luna Station 88 USTC Burn Chart

87,713 USTC Burned
LUNC Metrics calculates Luna Station 88 burn stats using wallet addresses that we've identifed as being owned by Luna Station 88. While we strive for accurancy, we offer no guarantees.

If you see something wrong, DM us on and follow us while you're at it!

Last 15 Burns from Luna Station 88 on Terra Classic

Timestamp Coin Amount Block Height Link Wallet Address
2023-06-16 06:10:34 LUNC 2,754,461 13239572 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2023-03-27 12:29:05 LUNC 10,862,278 12099429 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2023-01-29 17:09:31 USTC 10,233 11307518 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2023-01-29 17:08:11 LUNC 2,981,684 11307505 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2023-01-15 15:11:51 USTC 16,454 11108338 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2023-01-15 15:09:01 LUNC 4,780,209 11108310 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-12-25 17:25:46 USTC 33,864 10812277 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-12-25 17:22:43 LUNC 9,882,007 10812247 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-12-11 14:50:00 USTC 11,992 10613598 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-12-11 14:47:20 LUNC 3,501,297 10613572 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-11-27 09:53:33 USTC 15,169 10417361 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-11-27 09:49:06 LUNC 4,454,817 10417319 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-10-14 17:33:46 LUNC 3,600,000 9809281 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-09-17 07:33:28 LUNC 2,349,140 9418542 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs
2022-09-04 19:21:23 LUNC 1,700,000 9237967 TX Hash terra1j27nm2gjm0m4lsye8lspa46rax0rw4fge9awrs

If you work for Luna Station 88 and want to update or correct the LUNC burn information on this page, hit us up on X!